Similar Words with Urdu Meaning Assassination Assignation Stealthily Free Masonry In Private Insinuate Cryptonym Clandestine Mortgage Furtive Definition & Meaning in English (a.)Stolen; obtained or characterized by stealth; sly; secret; stealthy; as, a furtive look. ...
Achievement, Act, Action, Agreement, certificate, deed of conveyance, docket, feat, Give, human action, human activity, indenture, Instrument, juridical act, lease, legal act, legal instrument, legal transaction, mortgage, Operation, Paper, Statement, title, voucher, Writing, recDeed...
MortgageA debt instrument in which the borrower receives cash upright and makes future repayments within a specific time period. Obtained by the collateral of a particular real estate property, individuals and companies use mortgages to purchase huge real estate properties without paying the entire val...
•Isankdown on acushysofa.•They've had acushysubsidisedexistencefor too long.•The otherkindofprojectlikelytoprepayitsmortgagewas thecushyupmarketproperty. Origincushy(1900-2000)Urdukhush“pleasant”, fromPersian Pictures of the day What are these?