The meaning of CODE is a systematic statement of a body of law; especially : one given statutory force. How to use code in a sentence.
COLLOCATIONS–Meaning 1: a moral rule or belief about what is right and wrong, that influences how you behaveadjectivesstrict principlesRosa is a woman of strict moral principles.strong principles(=that someone believes in very strongly)a man of strong principleshigh principles(=strong beliefs about...
The meaning of OBSCENE is disgusting to the senses : repulsive. How to use obscene in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Obscene.
moral - Dictionary definition and meaning for wordmoral Definition (noun) the significance of a story or event Synonyms:lesson Example Sentence the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor Definition (adj) concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and ...
founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than on legalities, enactment, or custom: moral obligations. capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct: a moral being. conforming to the rules of right conduct (immoral): ...
Not all notions of social justice emphasized religion, though. With the social impact of theIndustrial Revolution, the term grew. Later theorists would focus on social justice as a moral obligation for people within a society to work for the common good; the most famous example is discussed bel...
Systems of society, culture, and the self were the foundation of the modern world. Their glories have passed.
the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct. any of the three branches, namelynatural philosophy,moral philosophy,andmetaphysical philosophy,that are accepted as composing this study. a particular system of thought based on such study or investigation: ...
The meaning of BULWARK is a solid wall-like structure raised for defense : rampart. How to use bulwark in a sentence.
The meaning of MORAL is of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ethical. How to use moral in a sentence. Ethics vs Morals: Is there a difference? Synonym Discussion of Moral.