Definition of まする, meaning of まする in Japanese: 1 definitions matched, 1 related definitions, and 1 example sentences;
Definition of 本門, meaning of 本門 in Japanese: 1 definitions matched, 0 related definitions, and 0 example sentences;
The meaning of JAPAN is of, relating to, or originating in Japan : of a kind or style characteristic of Japanese workmanship.
Definition of 指物, meaning of 指物 in Japanese: 1 definitions matched, 0 related definitions, and 0 example sentences;
Definition of みずむし, meaning of みずむし in Japanese: 1 definitions matched, 0 related definitions, and 0 example sentences;
whether you are speaking or writing formally or informally. The sentences below are listed first in a transliteration of the Japanese phrase or sentence, followed by the spelling in Japanese characters—usingkanji,hiragana, orkatakanaas appropriate—followed by the translation in English. Where indicate...
The meaning of JAPANESE MILLET is a coarse annual grass (Echinochloa frumentacea) cultivated especially in Asia for its edible seeds.
The style of thetraditional Bon Odori dancevaries from region to region but it is normally based around the rhythms ofJapanese taiko drums. Dancers perform on ayagura stageand participants wear light cotton kimonos. Anyone can join in the dances which are held in parks,temples, and otherpublic...
This is one of the Japanese words with deep meaning. Translating to “There is light in all darkness,” this Japanese phrase is sa great little reminder that even at the darkest of times, there is light to be found. The English word equivalent would be “every dark cloud has a silver ...
@deshimaru: so 宇多田 says the same thing in Japanese that she does in French? SimSai 2016年9月30日 日语 @Hikki07: about lyrics I wrote? >カラダよりずっと奥に招きたい 招きたい >カラダよりもっと奥に触りたい 触りたい