lotr : lord of the rings lozer : loser lrfl : Laughing really f**king loud lrh : laughing really hard lrqtms : laughing really quietly to myself lrt : last retweet lshrn : laughing so hard right now lsr : loser ltr : later lurker : one who reads but doesn't reply lurve : love...
·LTNCLong Time No Chat ·LTNSLong Time No See ·LTNTLong Time No Talk ·LTRLong term relationship ·LYLTLove You Long Time ·MLTRMultiple Long Term Relationships ·NLANo Longer Available ·OLDFAGLong established member of an online community ...
·LTNCLong Time No Chat ·LTNSLong Time No See ·LTNTLong Time No Talk ·LTRLong term relationship ·LYLTLove You Long Time ·MLTRMultiple Long Term Relationships ·NLANo Longer Available ·OLDFAGLong established member of an online community ...
He's myIBF, but we haven't actually met inreal life. See more words with the same meaning:Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of). See more words with the same meaning:boyfriend, girlfriend, boo, significant other. ...
Alternative genetic decoding can be either a global phenomenon that affects the decoding of most or all mRNAs, or a local recoding that affects particular sites in a few mRNAs. Global alterations in the genetic code are usually caused by changes in the translation machinery. Recoding is observed...