raoflmao : rolling around on floor laughing my ass off rflmao : rolling on the floor laughing my ass off roflmao : rolling on the floor laughing my ass off roflmaoapimp : rolling on the floor laughing my ass off and peeing in my pants roflmaool : Rolling on the floor laughing my ...
What Does LMAO Mean in Text? Just like any expression,LMAOcan be used in a sarcastic way as well as a sincere one. The tone of this expression changes depending on the context. These days, people often useLMAOin text to reply to something that isn’t actually very amusing. For example,...
raoflmao : rolling around on floor laughing my ass off rflmao : rolling on the floor laughing my ass off rmao : rolling my ass off roflmao : rolling on the floor laughing my ass off roflmaoapimp : rolling on the floor laughing my ass off and peeing in my pants ...
LMAO Definitions include: acronym for "laughing myassoff." hardy har har Definitions include: a sarcastic laugh. fall out Definitions include: to react with overwhelming laughter. dead Definitions include: to consume or use up. nyuk Definitions include: the sound of laughter. ...
Texter 1:You want to catch dinner tonight? Texter 2:Sure, where do you want to go? Texter 1:I don’t know. You know I’m bad with decisions, lol (In this scenario, it comes at the end of the sentence as a kind of laugh). ...
LMFAO can be considered offensive to some people due to the use of an expletive. If you’re unsure about whether it is appropriate to use LMFAO, you may opt for a more polite version like LMAO or LOL (Laughing Out Loud). It’s always a good idea to consider your audience and their ...
An epithet is a descriptive word or phrase that highlights a specific quality of a person, place, or thing, such as “Alexander the Great.” Happy New Year in Spanish | 22 Phrases & Examples “Happy New Year” in Spanish is “¡Feliz Año Nuevo!” but there are other phrases you ...
an ideational function: to get an idea across, as when I say, It’s raining, or I love you.It also has an interactive-interpersonal function: to influence the attitudes and behaviours of others, and, in a myriad ways, change an aspect of the world’s states of affairs in the process...
laugh out of Definitions include: to laugh at a person or group, making them so embarrassed that they leave. LEL Definitions include: "LOL" with the O replaced with an E. liquid laugh Definitions include: to vomit. LMAO Definitions include: acronym for "laughing my ass off." (show 14 mo...