The meaning of LIFE FORCE is élan vital.
Synonyms of force1 a(1) : strength or energy exerted or brought to bear : cause of motion or change : active power the forces of nature the motivating force in her life (2) capitalized used with a number to indicate the strength of the wind according to the Beaufort scale a ...
between life and death:that is,the essence of life lies exactly in the struggle and resis- tance against the strong destructive force.凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德的短篇小说《苍蝇》与弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的随笔散文《飞蛾之死》都通过作家的自我象征以不同的文本形式阐释了生命的意义,并对生与死的关系作出了哲理性的...
Tree of life, a widespread archetype common to many religions, mythologies, and folktales. The tree of life is a common idea in cultures throughout the world. It represents, at times, the source of life, a force that connects all lives, or the cycle of l
An active duty Air Force ground combat unit (n = 189) completed surveys about trauma and combat exposure, mood symptoms, and meaning in life. Two dimensions of deployment-related traumas were assessed: combat (e.g., firing weapons, being fired upon) and aftermath (e.g., seeing dead bodie...
force maintain oppose resist support Discover More More About Fight What is a basic definition offight? Afightis a battle, contest, struggle, argument, or any clash that involves at least two opposing sides.Fightis also to engage in combat or to struggle with something.Fighthas several other ...
killing scores of police officers. When the police could not bring the situation under control, the army was brought in. The ensuing Joint Military Task Force operation left more than 700 Boko Haram members dead and destroyed the mosque that the group used as its headquarters. Yusuf and other...
for the advantage of everybody. in order to save: to flee for one's life. in order to become: to train recruits for soldiers. in assignment or attribution to: an appointment for the afternoon; That's for you to decide. such as to allow of or to require: ...
Byt the love I mean is the fire that burns inside us all, the inner warmth that prevents our soul from freezing in the winters of despair.It's the love of life itimmolation. 它是一种声音,在说:“拥抱生命,尽情创造吧!”随之而来的是对生命的***和理解:生命中有些东西是值得为之赴汤蹈火的...
The meaning of FORCE is strength or energy exerted or brought to bear : cause of motion or change : active power. How to use force in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Force.