The meaning of LIBERAL ARTS is college or university studies (such as language, philosophy, literature, and abstract science) intended to provide chiefly general knowledge and to develop general intellectual capacities (such as reason and judgment) as op
The meaning of LIBERAL is inclined to be open to ideas and ways of behaving that are not conventional or traditional : broad-minded, tolerant. How to use liberal in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Liberal.
Ollom (1923–2013), delivered at "The First Conference on Liberal Arts Education" conference, held on April 19, 2014, at Nottingham University Ningbo China. The author was Special Advisor to the Rector and Director of Global Affairs, University of Macau....
Liberal arts definition: the academic course of instruction at a college intended to provide general knowledge and comprising the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences, as opposed to professional or technical subjects.. See examples of
a liberal donor. Synonyms:unstinting,munificent,openhanded,charitable,beneficent,lavish given freely or abundantly;generous: a liberal donation. not strict or rigorous; not literal;free: a liberal interpretation of a rule. of, relating to, or based on theliberal arts. ...
The term “liberal arts ” comes from the Latin root liber,meaning “free.” This term originally referred to seven fields of study which(这个为什么不能用that),in ancient Greece,were considered arts of the mind,in contrast to the manual or mechanical arts....
Art is a global activity which encompasses ahost of disciplines, as evidenced by the range of words and phrases which have been invented to describe its various forms. Examples of such phraseology include: "Fine Arts", "Liberal Arts", "Visual Arts", "Decorative Arts", "Applied Arts", "Des...
What was really needed, said Snow, was a third culture in which artists would read and understand science, and scientists would be well read in the liberal arts. That was 40 years ago. In "The Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution," John Brockman, a New York literary agent for...
The Meaning of CAPHE. A Report on the First Five Years of the Consortium for the Advancement of Private Higher Education. This report reviews the first five years of the Consortium for the Advancement of Private Education (CAPHE) during which it has assisted small liberal arts... RJ Moskin ...
The trivium, along with the quadrivium, make up the seven liberal arts. These are the academic disciplines taught in medieval European universities, defined as the core of a well-rounded education by scholars of the era. But the trivium as the basis of a standard education dates back further...