InJeremiah 27:2; 28:10,12the word in the Authorized Version rendered "yoke" ismotah, which properly means a "staff," or as in the Revised Version, "bar." These words in the Hebrew are both used figuratively of severe bondage, or affliction, or subjection (Leviticus 26:13;1 Kings 12...
The article presents information on the definition of Bikkoret based on its usage in the book of Leviticus 19:20 which means ambiguous in the Biblical Hebrew. It notes that the word signifies a man sleeping with a maidservant who was half-owned by one master. Romantic betrayal and status ...
1 John 4:7- "Beloved, let uslove one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God." Leviticus 19:18- "You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am ...
The number 7, according to Ambroise, corresponds to the Old Testament but he sees it also as the number representing the virginity. Thibaut of Langres gives also this attribute to this number because it is the only one of the first nine numbers which does not father and the only one which...
The material used for the earthly sanctuary was made "holy" by virtue of its use. God stipulated strict standards for the sanctuary's construction (Exod. 25-40) and operation (Leviticus). Everything to do with the tabernacle and temple was holy: garments ( Exod 28:2 ), anointing oil (...
(Num 5:2-4;19:1-20), the menstruating woman (Lev 15:19-24), the handling of the ashes of the red cow or the Day of Atonement offerings (Leviticus 16:26Leviticus 16:28;Num 19:7-10), emission of semen (Lev 15:16-18), contamination by a carcass (Levv 11:24-40;22:5), and...