The meaning of LEGAL TENDER is money that is legally valid for the payment of debts and that must be accepted for that purpose when offered. How to use legal tender in a sentence.
Origin of legal tender1 First recorded in 1730–40Word of the DayJanuary 06, 2025Sardanapalian [sahr-dn-uh-peyl-yuhn]Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Terms & Conditions and Priva...
legal holiday(noun) legal pad(noun) legal tender(noun) legal/ˈliːgəl/adjective Britannica Dictionary definition of LEGAL 1 a:of or relating to the law She has a lot oflegalproblems. legalbooks alegaladviser/representative a country'slegalsystem [=the way that laws are made and cont...
Legal tender definition: currency that may be lawfully tendered in payment of a debt, such as paper money, Federal Reserve notes, or coins.. See examples of LEGAL TENDER used in a sentence.
The meaning of TENDER is marked by, responding to, or expressing the softer emotions : fond, loving. How to use tender in a sentence.
tender(noun) tender–hearted(adjective) tender offer(noun) legal tender(noun) mercy(noun) 1tender/ˈtɛndɚ/adjective tenderer;tenderest Britannica Dictionary definition of TENDER [or more tender; most tender] 1 :very loving and gentle:showing affection and love for someone or something ...
The 1933 amendment extended the power of legal tender to all types of money, creating dissension on whether paper money and reserves of the Federal Reserve bank are lawful money.2 While some argue that Federal Reserve notes are lawful money, others tend to disagree. ...
with the tenderers present.→sealed bid tender2an offer tobuyshares, which will besoldto theinvestorwho offers the highestamountSometender offersstipulate a minimum price for offers.3an offer of theexactamount of money inCASH(=coinsandnotes) needed to pay for something→see alsolegal tender ...
In order to help finance the war, the federal government enacted the Legal Tender Act and the National Banking Acts in 1862. This was a series of laws that sought to drive state-chartered banks out of the market and replace them with nationally chartered banks using a single, national paper...
From Longman Business Dictionaryˈtender ˌoffer1an occasion when an investor offers to buy a particular quantity of existing shares or bonds at a particular price. The sale occurs only if all the existing owners agree to sell at this price2a type of new share offer, when investors say ho...