Legal Definition issue 1 of 2 noun is·sue ˈi-ˌshü, -ˌsyü 1 plural : proceeds from a source of revenue (as an estate) rents, issues, and profits 2 : one or more lineal descendants died without issue compare child, heir 3 a : a vital question or problem...
The meaning of LAW is a binding custom or practice of a community : a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority. How to use law in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Law.
being at opposite viewpoints; in disagreement:Medical experts are still at issue over the proper use of tranquilizers. to enter into controversy or take exception to. to submit an issue jointly for legal decision. to disagree; dispute:He took issue with me on my proposal for a new advertising...
Medical experts are still at issue over the proper use of tranquilizers. join issue, to enter into controversy or take exception to. to submit an issue jointly for legal decision. take issue,to disagree;dispute: He took issue with me on my proposal for a new advertising campaign. ...
Legal due diligence involves analyzing and understanding the legal risk associated with the target company during a merger or an acquisition transaction.
While not all states issue a common law marriage certificate, couples may choose legal alternatives like domestic partnership registration to solidify their commitment and rights. RELATED READING 5 Things to Be Sure of Before Getting a Marriage Certificate ...
The term was developed by American legal theorists such as Kimberlé Crenshaw to analyze how racism is advanced by American legal structures, even in some cases in the absence of racist individuals. Central to CRT is the notion that race is not validated by science, and that the law has main...
In cases where a minor is involved, the suit must be initiated by a party of legal age who has received the proper authority to sue on behalf of the minor. Usually, this party will be a "next friend" or a guardian. If the person bringing suit: Is deemed incompetent, the suit must ...
The meaning of LICENSE is permission to act. How to use license in a sentence. The Shared Roots of License and Licentious Synonym Discussion of License.
The meaning of LAND is the solid part of the surface of the earth; also : a corresponding part of a celestial body (such as the moon). How to use land in a sentence.