:the personality of a human being:self 6 :one (such as a human being, a partnership, or a corporation) that is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties 7 :reference of a segment of discourse to the speaker, to one spoken to, or to one spoken of as indicated by means...
The meaning of PERSON is human, individual —sometimes used in combination especially by those who prefer to avoid man in compounds applicable to both sexes. How to use person in a sentence.
notpersons—as the functional plural ofperson.And today,peopleseems more natural, especially in casual, informal conversation or writing.Usingpeopleas a plural ofpersonhas not always been free of controversy. From the mid nineteenth to the late twentieth century, the use ofpeopleinstead ofpersons...
Deceased Persons as Protected Persons Within the Meaning of International Humanitarian Lawdoi:10.1093/jicj/mqy061AmbosProfessor of Criminal LawKaiProfessor of Criminal LawJournal of International Criminal Justice
Usuallyins.persons in office or political power (outs). a member of the political party in power: The election made him an in. pull or influence; a social advantage or connection: He's got an in with the senator. (in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) a return or service that lands wi...
The meaning of PERSON is human, individual —sometimes used in combination especially by those who prefer to avoid man in compounds applicable to both sexes. How to use person in a sentence.
(zheng). Rulers should begin by rectifying their own conduct; that is, they are to be examples who govern by moral leadership and exemplary teaching rather than by force. Government’s responsibility is not only to provide food and security but also to educate the people. Law and punishment ...
And that these conceptions of legal personhood, even for the most marginalized persons recognized by law, entailed a capacity for relationality. Persons, no matter how they were bound by status and incapacitated to act, were recognized as potentially relational, possessing some limited capacity to ...
Fed regulation of the financial system has been a frequent topic of debate and a target of criticism following episodes offinancial crisessuch as theGreat Recession. As a quasi-public entity, nominally privately owned but established and empowered by federal law, the Fed is generally expected to ...
Libel is a tort under common law for which a defamed party can sue for damages. Pure opinions, true statements, and some criticism of public figures may be protected against claims of libel. Slander, a similar legal concept, involves defamatory speech that is not written or broadcast. ...