The meaning of KILOJOULE is 1000 joules; also : a unit in nutrition equivalent to 0.239 calorie.
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
Internal Energy of a System: Qualitative & Quantitative Calculations Predicting the Direction of Energy Transfer Heat Transfer Project Ideas Heat Transfer Activities & Games Heat Transfer Lesson Plan for Elementary School Joule | Definition, Conversion & Examples Heat Transfer Lesson Plan Specific Heat Act...
the standard unit of absorbed dose of radiation (such as x-rays) in theInternational System of Units(SI), equal to the amount of ionizing radiation absorbed when the energy imparted to matter is 1 J/kg (one joule per kilogram). : Gy ...
One joule work is said to be done on a body when a force of one newton displaces it by one meter along the direction of the force. Higher units of joule are: 1. kilo joule \(\left( {{\rm{kJ}}} \right)\) where \(1\;{\rm{kJ}} = 1000\;{\rm{J}}\) ...
• Philosophy • Psychology • Logic • Semiotics • computer science Anthropology all study meaning • sub-branches of semantics: in terms of whether it falls within the scope of linguistics: linguistic semantics(语言语 义学)and non-linguistic semantics(非语 言语义学):philosophical...
Introduction In the first half of the 19th Century, von Mayer and Joule discovered the energy conservation principle, demonstrating that heat (internal energy) and work are inter-convertible, and that the total energy of the universe is constant. The Second Law forbids the realization of perpetual...
the state or fact of being equivalent; equality in value, force, significance, etc. an instance of this; an equivalent. Chemistry.the quality of having equal valence. Logic, Mathematics. Also calledmaterial implication.the relation between two propositions such that the second is not false when ...
Changes in Word Meaning ChangesinWordMeaning 一.CausesofChangesinWordMeaning •“…Changeofmeaningisacommonplace,andindeeditwouldappeartobefundamentalinlivinglanguage,……almosteverywordweusetodayhasaslightlydifferentmeaningfromtheoneithadacenturyago:andacenturyagoithadaslightlydifferentmeaningfromtheoneithadacentury...
Someone can please correct me on this if I am in error, but here's what I come up with: a volt is defined as the difference in electric potential that is required to impart to 1 coulomb of electricity a kinetic energy of 1 joule = 1 newton-meter = 1 kilogram-meter/second/second =...