The meaning of CONTROLLING is inclined to control others' behavior : domineering. How to use controlling in a sentence.
•I've had a lot ofpainin myjointsrecently, especially in mywristsandshoulders.•Quality control ofsolderjointsis currently done byblowingup adigitizedimageof thejointand having humansinspectit.•They make aqualitativejudgmenton whether the solderjointisacceptableorunacceptable.•Mitredhousingswith ...
The meaning of HINGE JOINT is a joint between bones (as at the elbow) that permits motion in only one plane.
But the joint phase lasted less than a decade. The expected successes of the merger failed to materialize as AOL lost value and the dotcom bubble burst. AOL and Time Warner dissolved their union. AOL Time Warner dissolved in a spinoff deal in 2009.2 Time Warner remained an entirely indep...
will create the unconsolidated subsidiary itself. There are a variety of reasons it may do so, including creatingjoint ventures (JVs)to split costs with another company orspecial purpose vehicles (SPVs)to segregate revenues, costs, and profits for special projects from that of the parent company...
which is an adaptation of the Greek one, which is an adaptation of the Hebrew one (which was largely created by the Phoenicians and perfected with vowel-notation by the Israelites around the time of king David; hence the temple of YHWH built as a joint venture of kings Solomon and Hiram...
(2009). How technology for comprehension training can support conversation towards the joint construction of meaning. Journal of Research in Reading, 32(1), 109-125. :YUILL, N., PEARCE, D., KERAWALLA, L., HARRIS, A., AND LUCKIN, R. 2009. How technology for comprehension training can ...
Following the October Revolution in 1917, the Bolsheviks embarked upon a series of economic policies in the attempt to establish a socialist economic order. Commenting on the consequences of the economic policies enacted in the wake of the October Revolu
put someone's nose out of joint, to annoy or irritate greatly. to supersede a person in another's regard, devotion, etc. to thwart someone; spoil someone's plans. rub someone's nose in,to persecute or tease someone persistently about; nag someone about: ...
The meaning of TOGGLE is a piece or device for holding or securing. How to use toggle in a sentence.