The meaning of SECOND is next to the first in place or time. How to use second in a sentence.
irregular 2 of 2noun 1 :an irregular soldier 2 :merchandise that is slightly imperfect Medical Definition irregular adjective ir·reg·u·lar(ˈ)ir-ˈ(r)eg-yə-lər 1 :lacking perfect symmetry of form:not straight, smooth, even, or regular ...
Researchers have found that REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is important to human beings.This type of sleep generally occurs four or five times during one night of sleep lasting five minutes to forty minutes for each occurrencE.The deeper a person’s sleep becomes, the longer the periods of ...
It is well documented that individuals who are overweight or underweight can experiencehigher rates of infertility. This is because the number of fat cells in the body can influence reproductive system functioning, such as irregular periods, absent periods, and cycles that are either too long or t...
You're frequently sick, cold, experiencing hair loss, or have irregular periods. ... It hurts to eat. How long does the plateau phase last? A plateau can last anywhere betweeneight to twelve weeks, but it also varies on an individual level and it's important we maintain our healthy habi...
An extradividend, sometimes called a special or irregular dividend, is a one-time dividend paid to a company’sshareholders of record. Unlike most dividends, which are paid at regular intervals and in predetermined amounts, extra dividends are typically announced with little-to-no warning; are ...
But we at QRI would suggest it is also irregular, and its topology might be far from trivial. Here are a couple of examples of what makes us think there may be many puzzling interactions that suggest the presence of irregularities in the state-space of olfaction: There are many examples ...
PCOS can also impact your hormone levels, leading to weight gain, irregular periods, acne, and, yup, increased hair growth. People with PCOS often notice excessive hair growth specifically in androgen-dependent areas, like the chin, says Dr. Sood. If you have PCOS, you might also experience...
fraud is suspected. For example, if you have received or transferred ill-gotten funds into a bank account, the transaction will be recorded. If the assets and funds of an organization in the account history do not match the levels reported elsewhere. some irregular activity or error is ...
E.g. packaging of Pediasure, a kid’s health drink is recently changed. Flighting: This model is also called bursting. As the name suggests, this an absolute season based products model. The ads here run at very irregular intervals. Advertisements are for very shorter periods and sometimes ...