The meaning of INSIDE OUT is in such a manner that the inner surface becomes the outer. How to use inside out in a sentence.
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on the inside; within. in one's house or office. in office or power. in possession or occupancy. having the turn to play, as in a game. Baseball.(of an infielder or outfielder) in a position closer to home plate than usual; short: ...
thepicket.•I had tolaughat the absurdity of thescene.•Theinterpretationof Mannheim'sprojectthat von Scheltinginitiatedset thescenefor its incorporation intomainstreamfunctionalistsociology.•Thesceneinside thelobbyrestaurantof thestudiodid nothing to make me lessself-conscious.•ActV,Scene2 of...
thetarnishedTour de France champion who admitted todopingin 2013. This sense ofdopeevolves out of horse-racing slang in the early 1900s, withdopereferring to substances given to horses to improve (or impair) their performance. Expressions like thestraight dopeorinside dopecomes from bettors getting...
Dr. Spenser: Well, that's where we take a new baby out of a lady's tummy. Hospital Administrator: Wonderful what we can do nowdays. Link this quote Man in Pink: [singing] Whenever life gets you down Mrs. Brown / and things seem hard or tough / and people are stupid, obnoxious or...
What I can tell you for sure is that by any measure, Edward Cole lived more in his last days on earth than most people manage to wring out of a lifetime. I know that when he died his eyes were closed and his heart was open . . .而我所肯定的就是,无论你采用什么标准,爱德华·...
It ignites a special place inside of you that can create and develop any internal ideas that only you can give birth to when you are alone ... 可以点燃你的内心,可以在你独处的时候创造发展只有你能想到的内心思想。 E ... It enhances our understanding and appreciation of the endless possibiliti...
The meaning of OUT is in a direction away from the inside or center. How to use out in a sentence.
The meaning of HIDE is to put out of sight : secrete. How to use hide in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Hide.