He described these unit factors as occurring in pairs. One of the pairs will be dominant over the other (recessive). He formulated the Mendelian laws to elucidate how heredity occurs. These laws include Law of Segregation, Law of Independent Assortment, and Law of Dominance. The inheritance ...
The meaning of HEREDITARY is genetically transmitted or transmittable from parent to offspring. How to use hereditary in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Hereditary.
molecular biology noun : a branch of biology that investigates the structure and function of usually large molecules (as DNA and proteins) of living matter in order to understand their role in biological processes (as inheritance and cell function) Medical Definition molecular biology noun : ...
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘inherited'. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors. Send us feedback Word Family inherited inheritedinheritance the "inherit" famil...
mendel’s laws of inheritance – mendel’s laws and experiments genetics: introduction, the law of inheritance and sex determination to explore more about genotype definition, or any other definitions in biology, register at byju’s . biology related links what is adulteration cell division neuron ...
Anthropology, ‘the science of humanity,’ which studies human beings in aspects ranging from the biology and evolutionary history of Homo sapiens to the features of society and culture that decisively distinguish humans from other animal species. Learn
First recorded in1580–90;fromLatin,fromGreeksýnthesis,fromsyn-syn-+the-(stem oftithénai“to put, place”) +-sis-sis Discover More Example Sentences It took 18 months and required synthesis and testing of 79 molecules, where usually it would be expected to take about four years and at ...
The balloon is an ancestor of the modern dirigible. a person who serves as an influence or model for another; one from whom mental, artistic, spiritual, etc., descent is claimed: a philosophical ancestor. Law.a person from whom an heir derives an inheritance. ...
Moreover, cats serve as models for certain diseases in humans, including infectious diseases like toxoplasmosis and hereditary conditions. Additionally, the genetics of coat patterns and colors in cats offer a practical and easily observable way to study Mendelian inheritance. Keep reading ↓ Keep ...
(noun) (law) an increase in a beneficiary's share in an estate (as when a co-beneficiary dies or fails to meet some condition or rejects the inheritance) Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for accretion Previous Accretion (sounds like) A+CONSTRUCTION --> building up ...