The meaning of INDEX NUMBER is a number used to indicate change in magnitude (as of cost or price) as compared with the magnitude at some specified time usually taken as 100.
View synonyms forindex AmericanBritishCultural [in-deks ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun pluralindexes,indices[in, -d, uh, -seez]. (in a nonfiction book, monograph, etc.) a more or less detailed alphabetical listing of names, places, and topics along with the numbers of the pages on which...
The meaning of MILLER INDEX is any of a set of three numbers or letters used to indicate the position of a face or internal plane of a crystal and determined on the basis of the reciprocal of the intercept of the face or plane on the crystallographic axe
The Meaning of Numbers: Survey Thermometers and Interpersonal ComparabilityKrupnikov, Yanna
Mean is the average value of the given set of observations. In statistics, we also come across different types of mean such as Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic mean. Leant how to find the mean here.
As a result of the decreasing usefulness of the negative numbers and a desire to keep the metric as clear as possible, we decided to treat all 0 or less indexes as 0 and then rebase the 171 or less range to be from 0 to 100. For this reason, the formula we use is:...
Since 1930, the average annual rate of return for the S&P 500 was 6.58%, adjusted for inflation.7So while the numbers are about even in year one, and only dip in year two, which is not exactly as Hirsch predicted, it appears there truly is a third-year bump on average. ...
Consider the impact of both quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data storytelling Quantitative data refers to numerical social media metrics such as engagement, awareness, share of voice, ROI and average handling time. These numbers tell you how many: New likes, comments or shares your ...
The meaning of CONSUMER PRICE INDEX is an index measuring the change in the cost of typical wage-earner purchases of goods and services expressed as a percentage of the cost of these same goods and services in some base period —called also cost-of-livin
: a telegraph in which letters and numbers or other symbols are placed upon the border of a circular dial plate at each station, the apparatus being so arranged that the needle or index of the dial at the receiving station copies the movements of that at the transmitting station ...