The meaning of PEOPLE is human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interest. How to use people in a sentence.
The meaning of WORD is a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use. How to use word in a sentence. What makes a word a real word?
•Techniquessuch asobjectorienteddesignandstructuredprogrammingwill have to befollowedtoconformtoengineeringpractice.•Neither of themconformsto thedefaultformat, but they both work.•Indeed, fewfilesseem in practice toconformto thisrequirement.•They do notconformwell tonationalpolls.conform to/with...
Inherences word meaning in English is well described here in English as well as in Urdu. You can use this amazing English to Urdu dictionary online to check the meaning of other words too as the word Inherences meaning. Finding the exact meaning of any word online is a little tricky. ...
Essence definition: the basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing or its significant individual feature or features. See examples of ESSENCE used in a sentence.
• Another meaning of Annex in Urdu is ساته کا حصه Definition of word Annex: Annex can be defined as to add as an extra or subordinate part, especially to a document. It can also be defined as to add (territory) to one's own territory by appropriation. ...
The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church1887 "Centum mille perdrices plumbo confecit;" [4] that is,indeed, too often the sum of the life of an English lord; much questionable now, if _indeed_ of more value than that of many sparrows. ...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English mean‧ing‧ful/ˈmiːnɪŋfəl/●●○adjective1having a meaning that iseasytounderstandand makes senseWithout more data we cannot make a meaningful comparison of the two systems.Teaching history to five-year-olds in ameaningful waycan be...
One of the most remarkable features of Rembrandt’s presentation of himself in his self-portraits is his attire, the diversity and frequently prominent treatment of which significantly contribute to the great variety of self-portraits in his oeuvre. As clothing always conveys certain messages, it re...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...