scheme• Tony Prior, Prior Harwin's chairman, then proposed a scheme to save both the company and investors' funds.• Therefore, we consider first the operation of the legal aid scheme.• This chapter considers each of these components of a classification scheme in turn.• a ...
Motive definition: something that causes a person to act in a certain way, do a certain thing, etc.; incentive.. See examples of MOTIVE used in a sentence.
2024 Japan has only recently introduced a very modest incentive scheme and local officialdom historically has viewed foreign productions warily at best. Patrick Brzeski, The Hollywood Reporter, 30 Mar. 2024 With a revenue number in hand, officialdom then calculates how much of it must be ...
月球的剪影在太阳面前___地划过,光芒四射的太阳,渐渐隐去光辉,幻化成暂时的黑洞;日常忙碌的人们,放下手中的一切,不约而同地将目光投向那片悠远深邃的宇宙,共同见证这一气势___的“日月之舞”。 填人划横线部分最恰当的一项是:
- Set-aside was an incentive scheme introduced by the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1988 (Regulation (EEC) 1272/88), to (i) help reduce the large...- The Look-Aside Interface is a computer interface that was specified by an interface interoperability agreement produced by the Network...
Always verify beforehand if the incentive scheme complies with severance pay and employment laws. Leverage Performance Reviews Tracking performance and addressing issues early in reviews can prevent sudden employee resignations. Performance evaluations provide opportunities to align expectations and manage ...
The meaning of MISFIRE is to have the explosive or propulsive charge fail to ignite at the proper time. How to use misfire in a sentence.
See the Chinese word for to see, its pinyin jiàn, meaning, example sentences for 见, its traditional form 見, its character decomposition, idioms, stroke order and more
Making statutory payments is a critical component of the payroll process. These payments are mandatory contributions made by employers and employees to various government-mandated schemes. Common Statutory Payments Include: Provident Fund (PF):A mandatory savings scheme for employees, with contributions fr...
Piece-rate plan An incentive systemin which compensation is based on the number of units produced. In most piece-rate plans, the worker is guaranteed a base rate, or minimum hourly wage that assumes a certain rate of production, and is paid extra for production above that rate. ...