The meaning of YAG is a synthetic yttrium aluminum garnet of marked hardness and high refractive index that is used especially as a gemstone and in laser technology.
The meaning of VOGUE is popular acceptation or favor : popularity. How to use vogue in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Vogue.
Definitions of in vogue adjective in the current fashion or style synonyms: a la mode, in style, latest, modish fashionable, stylish being or in accordance with current social fashionsCite this entry Style: MLA "In vogue." Dictionary,, https://www.... vogue; in style: He says straw hats will be in this year. in season: Watermelons will soon be in. adjective located or situated within; inner; internal: the in part of a mechanism. Informal. in favor with stylish or trendy people; currently popular: the in thing to do. ...
voguein the mid-1930s.Examples from the Corpusvogue•People's fondness for wearing black and other darkcolourswas avogueI never really liked.•avoguefor thepaintingsof Claude Lorraine•In the 1870s, after all, when plumpness was invogue,physicianshadencouragedpeople togainweight.•If you ...
Vogue— the magazine — often decides what fashion is in vogue.Definitions of vogue noun a current state of general acceptance and use see more noun the popular taste at a given time “leather is the latest vogue” synonyms: style, trend see more Cite this entry Style: MLA "Vogue....
seeafter a fashion;in fashion. Discover More Synonym Study Fashion,style,vogueimply popularity or widespread acceptance of manners, customs, dress, etc.Fashionis that which characterizes or distinguishes the habits, manners, dress, etc., of a period or group:the fashions of the 18th century.Styl...
“it’s my honor to wear half of the ukrainian flag,” said swinton at a press conference earlier today. at the premiere of the eternal daughter. photo: getty images later in the evening, at the film’s premiere, swinton’s newly fluoro flaxen dye job proved to be just as ...
• Diane is the assistant fashion editor at "Vogue."• changing fashions in popular music• Then he seized the initiative in a dramatic fashion, just as he had in April 1182.• She wears anachronistic styles as though they were the latest fashion, with no hint of nostalgia.• I ...