Synonyms ofin attendance 1 :present at an event, meeting, etc. Everyonein attendancevoted in favor of the measure. A number of celebrities werein attendance. 2 :caring for or helping someone who is giving birth or getting medical treatment ...
The meaning of UP is in or into a higher position or level; especially : away from the center of the earth. How to use up in a sentence.
•We hadprettygoodattendancedespite the badweather.•I was getting greatattendanceand theylovedit.•He produced the second highestattendancein 150 years.•There began to be a greatfall-offinattendance.•Consideringtheseriousnessof thematterto bedebatedthere was an unusuallylowattendanceat the ...
A school's cost of attendance is also used in determining which expenses are eligible for tax-free withdrawals from529 college savings plans. If, for example, the student decides to live off campus instead of in a college dorm, withdrawals from the 529 plan can cover an amount equal to the...
Nose definition: the part of the face or facial region in humans and certain animals that contains the nostrils and the organs of smell and functions as the usual passageway for air in respiration. See examples of NOSE used in a sentence.
Understanding the deep meaning of the Second Amendment is critical to understanding American gun culture. The centrality of the Second Amendment in American culture can be better understood through the intersection of American nationalism with Protestant
As with quiet quitting, this might sometimes mean leaving work a little earlier than usual, but the point is not to do less; the idea is that joining a choir, a softball team or anything else with expected attendance pushes you to figure out the logistics, arrange the child care if ...
Sir Richard Croft, a fashionable accoucheur of that time, was in attendance upon her with other physicians. FromProject Gutenberg The Balfours, I take it, were plainly Celts; their name shows it—the “cold croft,” it means; so does their country. ...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Affect' vs. 'Effect' What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay
In previous studies, social context and social support have been found to be important in nature-based services. However, no studies have previously focused on the meaning of different dimensions of social support in these contexts. The aim of this study