The meaning of INCENTIVE is something that incites or has a tendency to incite to determination or action. How to use incentive in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Incentive.
The meaning of IMPEL is to urge or drive forward or on by or as if by the exertion of strong moral pressure : force. How to use impel in a sentence. Impel vs Compel Synonym Discussion of Impel.
(alsoyield to an impulseliterary)(=do something because you have a sudden very strong desire to do it)Yielding to an impulse, she called him on her mobile phone.impulse + NOUNan impulse buy(=buying something without having planned it)She admitted that the necklace had been an impulse buy....
Impulse buying is just the opposite of planned buying. Here, the customer has very little information about a product. Neither the customer had a prior aspiration to purchase the product nor he or she had any intention to buy the product at that moment of time. It happens all of a sudden...
•Unsought Products: These products purchase is also unplanned. Consumers purchase decision gets affected by the promotional activity, deep discounts and it forces customers to indulge in impulse buying. Product types on the basis of their features: ...
of sale near the exit to increase the chance of impulse purchases before consumers leave. For example, supermarkets commonly locate their POS terminals near the front of the store and surround them with inexpensive snack products such as candy or soda. Consumers may be more inclined to spend a...
Before I tackle the bigto be or not to be’s, though, some Shakespeare superlatives are in order. I think I’m qualified to pass a little judgment at this point. One’s likes and dislikes shift with time and experience, of course, so I’m basing these winners and losers specifically ...
Hawks have the sharpest eyesight of all Raptors; this signifies that it's time for you to pause and pay attention – to everything. In particular, Hawk challenges you to get a higher perspective on something that's been holding you back. Until you get the“big picture”you could remain ...
He bristles when Robin says he’s defending the people of Sherwood. “You talk as if they belong to you.”“No man belongs to another” answers Robin using Nasir as an example. “Try buying him with a thousand horses.” There’s an obvious clash between social hierarchies here but ...
The meaning of IMPEL is to urge or drive forward or on by or as if by the exertion of strong moral pressure : force. How to use impel in a sentence. Impel vs Compel Synonym Discussion of Impel.