The author offers an exhaustive matrix of ethical principles and criteria in Western thought, from Relativism to Absolutism, available for the choosing. The deterministic sciences of psychology, behaviorism, neuroscience, sociology, and politics are incapable of dealing with human values. There is a ...
Life is too short for routine; seek out the thrill of the unknown. Embrace every opportunity to break new ground and inject excitement into your life. Compassion Real strength lies in understanding and caring for others. Empathy is the bridge that connects hearts and fuels genuine human connectio...
The meaning of VALUE is the monetary worth of something : market price. How to use value in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Value.
The meaning of MEAN is to have in the mind as a purpose : intend —sometimes used interjectionally with I, chiefly in informal speech for emphasis or to introduce a phrase restating the point of a preceding phrase. How to use mean in a sentence. Synonym
To speak of musical meaning and human values might be to ask how music expresses values per se or reects their historical being. Or it might be to ask how values in either of these senses inuence music-making as composition or performance, or again how they inuence listening. The phrase...
The so-called human spirit, refers to the existence of human life and human dignity, values, understanding and grasp of the meaning and value of the ideal or ultimate ideal of the pursuit of the sum. Human spirit is both a metaphysical pursuit, is a physical reflection. It is not only ...
It seems, then, that far from speaking of the meaning of life, we might be faced with a choice between meaning and life. What if the truth were destructive of human existence? What if it were an annihilating Dionysian force, as the early Nietzsche considered; a rapacious Will, as in Sch...
31. Operation within this set of constraints allows for generation of the following straightforward hypothesis: the “partially implicit” mythic stories or fantasies that guide our adaptation, in general, appear to describe or portray or embody there permanent constituent elements of human experience: ...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
The meaning of PROPOUND is to offer for discussion or consideration. How to use propound in a sentence.