The meaning of HIP is the laterally projecting region of each side of the lower or posterior part of the mammalian trunk formed by the lateral parts of the pelvis and upper part of the femur together with the fleshy parts covering them. How to use hip in
The meaning of HERE is in or at this place —often used interjectionally especially in answering a roll call. How to use here in a sentence.
First recorded before 900;Middle Englishhepe,Old Englishhēope“hip, briar”; cognate withOld High Germanhiufo“bramble” Origin ofhip3 First recorded in 1745–55; origin uncertain Origin ofhip4 An Americanism dating back to 1900–05; of uncertain origin; hep and hip are recorded at similar ...
▶️German (Germany) 👍🏻👎🏻📤 ▶️Portuguese (Portugal) 👍🏻👎🏻📤 ▶️Dutch (Netherlands) 👍🏻👎🏻📤 ▶️Arabic 👍🏻👎🏻📤 ▶️Mandarin Chinese 👍🏻👎🏻📤 ✏️ Add Your Pronunciation 🎙️ ...
Pinto (2008) contrasted the use of greetings in peninsular Spanish with US English and found several differences in terms of politeness strategies, as did Schüpbach (2014) who compared Swiss German with German German. Moradi (2017) compared how age and gender affect the greeting behaviour in ...
If beauty is indeed truth, as John Keats claimed, then this story ought to be true: the logo on the back of your iPhone or Mac is a tribute to Alan Turing, the man who laid the foundations for the modern-day computer, pioneered research into artificial intelligence and unlocked German wa...
So when the ‘kids’ – my wunnerful offspring, aged 21 and 25 – tell me firstly to keep Weekend X free and then ‘get my ass to London’, I do, after a week of supporting my somewhat ailing mum, Up North. There’s nearly an accommodation trauma (none of us are quite in the...
If that weren’t enough, the breed of Dog you encounter also has meaning. For example, the Dachshund says victory will be yours, but it will take longer than you hoped. The German Shepherd makes you aware that you must remain attentive and alert. Golden Retrievers are mirrors of family re...
Origin ofersatz1 1870–75;<GermanErsatza substitute (derivative ofersetzento replace) Discover More Example Sentences The ersatz meat product began appearing on menus at only 400 restaurants in the US last week but should be making its way to many more fast-casual eateries, hotels, stadiums, an...
hi im cris from philippines! somebody introduce me this song and when i heard it i began to like this song even i dont understand it before.but now i learn this song and the meaning of it i feel different,coz this song really touches my heart! GOD BLESS TO EVERYONE…. ...