The meaning of ASS is any of several hardy gregarious African or Asian perissodactyl mammals (genus Equus) smaller than the horse and having long ears; especially : an African mammal (E. africanus) that is the ancestor of the donkey. How to use ass in a
The meaning of HIP is the laterally projecting region of each side of the lower or posterior part of the mammalian trunk formed by the lateral parts of the pelvis and upper part of the femur together with the fleshy parts covering them. How to use hip in
Origin of hip2 First recorded before 900; Middle English hepe, Old English hēope “hip, briar”; cognate with Old High German hiufo “bramble” Origin of hip3 First recorded in 1745–55; origin uncertain Origin of hip4 An Americanism dating back to 1900–05; of uncertain origin; hep an...
One of the most remarkable features of Rembrandt’s presentation of himself in his self-portraits is his attire, the diversity and frequently prominent treatment of which significantly contribute to the great variety of self-portraits in his oeuvre. As c
German (Germany) ▶️ Dutch (Netherlands) ▶️ Arabic ▶️ Mandarin Chinese 👍🏻 👎🏻 Practice and share the pronunciation of Tahtah ✨Record yourself saying Tahtah correctlyand help others pronounce it like a pro! Share your pronunciation of Tahtah with us. Record, preview ...
Pinto (2008) contrasted the use of greetings in peninsular Spanish with US English and found several differences in terms of politeness strategies, as did Schüpbach (2014) who compared Swiss German with German German. Moradi (2017) compared how age and gender affect the greeting behaviour in ...
If that weren’t enough, the breed of Dog you encounter also has meaning. For example, the Dachshund says victory will be yours, but it will take longer than you hoped. The German Shepherd makes you aware that you must remain attentive and alert. Golden Retrievers are mirrors of family re...
I found th e broken piece s of a mirror. A German motorcycl e had been wrecked in that place I tried to find all th e pieces and put them to gether,but it was not possible, so I kept only th e largest piec e.T his one, and,by scratching it o n a ston e.I mad e it ...
Emotional appraisal in humans is often considered a centrally mediated process by which sensory signals, void of emotional meaning, are assessed by integrative brain structures steps removed from raw sensation. From: Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2020 ...
•Emily(German)industriousmeaning.(Latin)meaningofthosecompliments.MostpeoplewillEMILYdescribedaspetite([pə‘ti:t]娇小的)andlovely,quiet,conservativewoman,smart,delicate(娇弱的),cautious.•Jamie(French)emotionalnaughty.Edward awealthyguardianofproperty(财产监护人)Hugh(修)theGerman,represent:rationalism(...