n.growth rate; rate of rise gāi gōng sī yù jì měi nián zēng zhǎng lǜ wéi bǎi fēn zhī sān 该公司预计每年增长率为百分之三。 The company projected an annual growth rate of 3%. rén kǒu zǒng liàng zì rán zēng zhǎng lǜ 人口总量自然增长率 natural population growth...
The meaning of GROWTH is a stage in the process of growing : size. How to use growth in a sentence.
The market growth rate can be used along with the drivers like demographics, sales of the other products to get the better analysis of a product. The market growth rate depends largely on the product life cycle, when the product is in introduction or growth stage the market growth will be ...
Point of View: It's Personal Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
Business Dictionaryˌannualized ˈgrowth rate (also annualised growth rate British English) the growth rate for a whole year, calculated using the rate for a shorter period of timeThe economy raced ahead at a remarkable annualized growth rate of 10.4% in the first three months of the year...
From Longman Business Dictionaryproˌjected ˈgrowth ratetherateat which something isexpectedto grow in thefutureThe region’s projected growth rate has been halved to just 8%.→growth rate Pictures of the day What are these? Click on the pictures to check. ...
The sustainable growth rate (SGR) is the maximum rate of growth that acompanyorsocial enterprisecan sustain without having to finance growth with additional equity or debt. In other words, it is the rate at which the company can grow while using its own internal revenue without borrowing from...
The crude birth rate (CBR) and crude death rate (CBR) are statistical values that can be used to measure the growth or decline of a population. Definitions The crudebirth rateand crude death rate are both measured by the rate of births or deaths respectively among apopulationof 1,000. The...
CAGR, or compound annual growth rate, shows how an investment has grown over a specific period of time. Learn how to calculate CAGR.
average growth rate of 3.5 to 4.5% for sub-Saharan Africa from 2025 to 2030, subject to factors such as global economic conditions, commodity prices, and domestic policy reforms. In fact, the highest growth is expected from smaller economies in the West of Africa rather than from the "lions...