· GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education (UK) · HOAS Hold On A Second · IAS In A Second · JAS Just A Second · KBPS KiloBytes per second · MBPS MegaBits/Bytes Per Second · MIPS Million Instructions Per Second · S/ Substitute first word with second · SEC Second · SLD ...
It focuses on the learning experiences of a small group of school students aged 14-16 who had chosen to replace one of their GCSE options with a vocational course, in administration/information technology (admin/IT) in their local further education (FE) college, a medium-sized institution ...
I have a friend. Let’s call her Doris. Doris may or may not be her real name. She doesn’t regard herself as academically able. She left school as soon as she could with a scattering of GCSEs. Soon after, she started working for a popular fast-food restaurant and did quite well ...
Then they made HNDs equivalent to multiple GCSEs so that they could include HND results in the GCSE figures without any explanation of the equivalence. Archive 2008-01-01 Not a sheep 2008 As I draw ever nearer to finishing my 2 year HND Interactive Media course (couple of months now), on...
The Richard Rose Central Academy is adopting a 'masterclass' approach to maths lessons for year 11 pupils sitting their GCSEs later this year as it introduces measures to cope with reduced teacher numbers. News round-up 2009 In the end, after all you've tried to do to tear this "master...
Studying for my GCSEs at the peak of theGossip Girlhype, I tried hard to hide my lack of attraction to the male sex symbols my classmates were obsessed with. To fit in with the all-pervasive, school-wide infatuation, I randomly picked Chace Crawford as my ‘Gossip-Girl-guy-I-was-obses...
·GCSEGeneral Certificate of Secondary Education (UK) ·HOASHold On A Second ·IASIn A Second ·JASJust A Second ·KBPSKiloBytes per second ·MBPSMegaBits/Bytes Per Second ·MIPSMillion Instructions Per Second ·S/Substitute first word with second ...
Studying for my GCSEs at the peak of the Gossip Girl hype, I tried hard to hide my lack of attraction to the male sex symbols my classmates were obsessed with. To fit in with the all-pervasive, school-wide infatuation, I randomly picked Chace Crawford as my ‘Gossip-Girl-guy-I-was-...
I wonder whether GCSE English exam papers still have a 'precis' question. Archive 2007-01-01 Glyn Davies 2007 In the gay season of 1866, Hardin, still bent on the golden quest in the hills, reads with some astonishment, the careful "precis" of his social spy. The Little Lady of Laguni...
·GCSEGeneral Certificate of Secondary Education (UK) ·HOASHold On A Second ·IASIn A Second ·JASJust A Second ·KBPSKiloBytes per second ·MIPSMillion Instructions Per Second ·S/Substitute first word with second ·SECSecond ·SLDSecond Level Domain ...