His influence on the Church of Ireland was considerable, not so much for the originality as theblatancyof his views. Still, his wry, lopsided grin makes us forgive the cornyblatancyof the film's low-level wish fulfillment. O'Connor said, referring to the oath, " theblatancyof the anti-...
44AfanTo Forgive, A Person Who Forgives, Modestعفان 45KiyanBeing, Existence, Essence, Surname Of Persian Kingکایان 46AbrarVirtuous, Pious, Great Manابرار 47SameerJovial, Beneficial, Entertaining Companion, Good Friendثمیر ...
Ahmed Praise Worthy, Noble, Commendable, Name Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) احمد Afan To Forgive, A Person Who Forgives, Modest عفان Kiyan Being, Existence, Essence, Surname Of Persian King کایان Abrar Virtuous, Pious, Great Man ابرار Same...