From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishflat‧ter‧y/ˈflætəri/noun[uncountable]1praisethat you do not really mean2→flattery will get you everywhere/nowhereExamples from the Corpusflattery•She used amixtureofpersuasionandflatteryto get what she wanted.•Theskirtdid not reach he...
Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 12 Words Whose History Will Surprise You 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
As secretary of the club, his friend made sure that he got in. to become implicated in: By embezzling money to pay his gambling debts quickly, he was getting in further and further. to circumvent; outwit. to ingratiate oneself with (someone) through flattery or cajolery. to travel from pl...
Asperity –Harshness in tone Belie –Give a false impression of; distort Byzantine –Complicated and confusing Cajole – Persuade with flattery or coaxing Conciliate –Reach an agreement with Connecticutian –Someone from Connecticut Consanguineous –Sharing the same ancestry Copypasta –Text copied and...
The linguistic usage of brown also adds to its multifaceted nature. Consider the phrase "brown-noser." Here, brown is used metaphorically, implying obsequious flattery and insincerity. This negative connotation starkly contrasts with the previously discussed positive associations wi...
Both of these young goalies are being groomed for roles in the NHL. to condition or manipulate (a victim) emotionally over time, as through friendship, gifts, flattery, etc., in order to entrap the person in a sexually abusive or predatory relationship. ...
英语词汇学_Unit_05_Pragmatic_meaning EnglishLexicologyUnit5 PragmaticMeaningofWords Content PragmaticMeaning:anintroductionCharacteristicsofPragmaticMeaningClassificationofPragmaticMeaningCommunicativeFunctionofPragmaticMeaning PragmaticMeaning:anintroduction SemanticmeaningVspragmaticmeaningContext–thebasisfortheproductionof...
Sometimes, it can also convey shyness, modesty, or flattery. You can use it to express love for your significant other ("I can't wait to see you tonight 🥰"), appreciation for a kind gesture ("Thank you so much for the gift 🥰"), or to gush over a cute pet ("Look at ...
To obtain by any outlay, as of labor, danger, or sacrifice, etc.; as, to purchase favor with flattery. (v. t.) Acquisition of lands or tenements by other means than descent or inheritance, namely, by ones own act or agreement. (v. t.) To pursue and obtain; to acquire by seeking...