The meaning of FLAT is lying at full length or spread out upon the ground : prostrate. How to use flat in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Flat.
The meaning of FLAT is lying at full length or spread out upon the ground : prostrate. How to use flat in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Flat.
Flat tire definition: a pneumatic tire that has lost all or most of its air through leakage, puncture, or the like.. See examples of FLAT TIRE used in a sentence.
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics:TransporttyreBritish English,tireAmerican English/taɪə$taɪr/●●●S3noun[countable] athickrubberringthatfitsaround thewheelof a car,bicycleetcI had aflat tyre(=all the air went out of it)on the way home.Thespare tyre's in...
He spoke in a flat, tired voice. 8 of a drink : no longer having bubbles This beer is flat. = This beer has gone flat. flat ginger ale flat champagne 9 of a tire : not having enough air I got a flat tire from a nail in the street. The tire was (slightly) flat. 10...
A flat scenario. Lacking in flavor A flat stew that needs salt. Having lost effervescence or sparkle Flat beer. Deflated. Used of a tire. Electrically discharged. Used of a storage battery. Of or relating to a horizontal line that displays no ups or downs and signifies the absence of physi...
a flat plate. (of the heel of a shoe) low and broad. spread out, as an unrolled map or the open hand. deflated; collapsed: a flat tire. absolute, downright, or positive; without qualification: a flat denial. Synonyms:categorical,peremptory,outright ...
1. Example of FM used in texting: My exam results just came in, and I failed all my courses. FM! 2. Example of FM used in texting: I just got a flat tire, and I have no spare. FM! 3. Example of FM used in texting: I can't believe I just spilled hot coffee on my shirt...
aa flat tire made him lose an hour of work 一个泄了气的轮胎使他丢失1小时工作[translate] aOther important factors that catalyze positive tenure devolution impacts on forest condition include effective economic incentives, ecological factors (including the value of the resource), and forest size, de...
The meaning of FLAT is lying at full length or spread out upon the ground : prostrate. How to use flat in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Flat.