Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All What do SCOTUS, POTUS, and FLOTUS mean? More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine ...
There are two Chinese Middle Path: Confucian and Buddhist. They may complement one another, not contradictory. The Confucian Analects are mainly saying , aphorism, and anecdotes of Confucius in his long teaching ; they are students or disciples” notes of what the teacher taught; the teacher did...
voguestresses the wide acceptance of a fashion. short skirts are back invogue fadsuggests caprice in taking up or in dropping a fashion. last year'sfadis over rageandcrazestress intense enthusiasm in adopting a fad. Cajun food was theragenearly everywhere for a time ...
Parental concerns about mineral toxicity in most children should be directed toward preventing accidental consumption of iron and other mineral supplements in young children and in monitoring the adoption of fad diets in teenagers. In the case of children with hemachromatosis or Wilson's disease, ...
Noel Brewer of the University of North Carolina said analyses have shown lotteries “have largely been a failure” despite some early interest in the showy prizes. FromWashington Post Also, keto egg bites seem to be merely mini-quiches with a fad-diet name, but those showy Montanans had to...
- Taller promoted his low-carbohydrate diet in his 1961 book Calories Don't Count, which is cited by historians as an example of a fad diet. Taller argued...- 272 cm (8 ft 11 in) at the time of his death. There are reports about even taller people but most claims are unverified ...
Packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, bell peppers are a nutritious addition to any diet. So whether you're posting about the benefits of including more vegetables in meals, advocating for vegetarianism, or discussing the nutrient content of different foods, the bell pepper emoji is ...
It’s easy to go out and find a book written by your favorite chef, catering to the fad diet that you’re trying out this month, or introducing a cuisine you’d like to explore. FromEater The possibilities of the types of cuisine that can be made are endless once you turn pot into...
For those of you not that familiar with Mexico, so-called "sushi" is very popular here but what we are talking about here is akin to touting the virtues of Mexican food at Taco Bell in Peoria. Your Favorites? 2005 Single grain sushi is not the latest diet fad to hit the country, it...
The meaning of CRAZE is to make insane or as if insane. How to use craze in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Craze.