Explore Excretion Definition. Learn the origins of the term, the etymology and its types only at BYJU’S
Iwonderwhat's happening there.•Mostfactorsthat normally or pathologicallyalterrenalmagnesiumexcretionoperatein theloopof Henle.•Theexcretionofmercuryby thekidneygenerally forms thebasisformeasurementofexposure.•These patients typically havemildrenal insufficiency anddiminishedurateexcretiondueto renaltubulardam...
Similar to ACCRUAL: (of sums of money or benefits) received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time. accretion: consider opp of excretion(to remove)..accretion - add and grow big Accretion (sounds like) A+CONSTRUCTION --> building up ...
Specialized Mode of Excretion Birds and reptiles in the desert retain water as their metabolic wastes are excreted in the form of an insoluble white compound called uric acid. When compared to mammals, the metabolic wastes are excreted through urea, a considerably more soluble compound. ...
HPLC methodshelp analyze drug concentration in biological fluids to evaluate ADME(absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) profile of the drug. The drug discovery phase also involves pharmacology and toxicology assessments of the drug compounds. ...
excretion, anddrugmetabolism.•Manypolarspecieshave clearlyoriginatedin this way byadaptationsofmetabolism, form andlifestyle.•On the other hand, many scientists arecertainthat gigantism mustprecludeelevatedrates ofmetabolism.•The way out of thispredicamentwas to alter their ownenvironmentthrough ...
nounThe name of a song and a dance, briefly popular in the 1960's. fromWiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. nounTheabilitytomovefrom place to place, or the act of doing so. nounbiologySelf-poweredmotionby which a wholeorganismchanges itslocationthroughwalking,running,jump...
thecorrectdiagnosisin each case, broken into fivecategories, ranging fromflatulencetoangina.•Those who have become used to low-fibre food may suffer from a littleflatulencefor the first week or two.•Thesubsetcontaining fabliaux withlavatoryhumour,talesconcerningbasicbodilyfunctions ofexcretionor...
fat intake•Furthermore,dietarymanipulation studies have shown that highfat intakecan increase faecalbileacidexcretion.•Getting your diet right Reducefat intake- to 15% of your diet or less.•So it is also the diet tochooseif you have sensibly taken toheartthewell-establishedbenefitsof reduci...