The meaning of HIGH is rising or extending upward a great distance : taller than average, usual, or expected. How to use high in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of High.
The meaning of CELEBRATE is to perform (a sacrament or solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropriate rites. How to use celebrate in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Celebrate.
Seuss characters, Duggar family, Ernest Hemingway characters, Euphoria characters, Eurovision 2023, explorers, family, Family Affair characters, figure skaters, film titles, Fleetwood Mac members, footballers, Frasier characters, Fringe characters, game designers, Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest, ...
Tons of English words havesuffixes. Annoy. Annoying. Annoyed. Amazing how suffixes can change the nuance and meaning of a word. — Audrey Tan (@Caffeinefixati1)August 17, 2020 The suffix -phoria refers to feeling, as in euphoria or dysphoria. ...
spinal, eschew, clandestine, euphoria, hallucinatory, succor, sanguine, yearn, vehemence, virulent, prolix, liminal and 78 more... stpeter's Words abashed, allure, alluring, aplomb, askance, asunder, augur, besmirch, bituminous, bulwark, calumny, cheshire and 3536 more... onetree's Words po...
any of various varnishlike products for coating a fabric, as of airplane wings, in order to make it waterproof, stronger, etc. a similar product used to coat the fabric of a balloon to reduce gas leakage. Slang. any narcotic or narcoticlike drug taken to induce euphoria or satisfy addictio...
In slang, especially in parts of the UK and Australia, “Eccie” is a term used to refer to the illegal drug ecstasy, also known as MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine). Ecstasy is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception, typically producing feelings of euphoria, increased energy...
•Hewarnedmembers of the public not to jump to anyunwarrantedconclusions about the tragedy.•unwarrantedcriticism•And most, in their macroeconomicmanagement,lurchedbetweenunjustifiedfearsofrecessionandunwarrantedeuphoriaaboutgrowth.•Heafflictedone with a sense ofunwarrantedintrusionon one'sprivateconcerns...
• The prisoners were numbed by their years in jail.• It induces euphoria, numbs concentration and generally slows down reactions, increasing the likelihood of a bumpy return to earth.• There was continuous driving rain, and a cold that numbed me.• The cold wind numbed my face and...
aA me-first, narcissistic trend that resulted in a youthful upheaval. In huge numbers and with a spiritual euphoria unknown before, they burst the seams of every social institution and fabric. Pluto in Leo until 1 95 8 (self-expression, entertainment, visionary sense of purpose, dictatorial, ...