The city of Hierapolis is mentioned once in the Bible. In his letter to theColossians,Paulmentions that his companionEpaphrashas deep concern for the Colossians and those who are inLaodiceaand Hierapolis (Colossians 4:13). Hierapolis was situated inAsiaMinor, in the south-west corner of modern...
• Viaεπι(epi):Epaphras,Epaphroditus,Epicureans The name Ephesus in the Bible Ephesus was a splendidGreekcity ofAsiaMinor, situated half-way up the western coast of modern-day Turkey, on the river Cayster. It was founded in the tenth century BC (probably on or near the ruins of...
KJV Word Usage in the very act (thief) 1 Total 1 KJV Verse Count John 1 Total 1 PREVIOUS Epaurion NEXT Epaphras Greek lexicon based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary plus others; this is keyed to the large Kittel and the "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament...