The meaning of ECONOMIC is of, relating to, or based on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. How to use economic in a sentence.
The meaning of ECONOMY is the structure or conditions of economic life in a country, area, or period; also : an economic system. How to use economy in a sentence.
摘要: Linguistic and nonlinguistic factors greatly influence the choice and expression of word's meaning in translation. Linguistic factors include semantic, grammatical and contextual ones. Nonlinguistic factors involve the cultural difference between languages and self-cultivation of translators....
School choice regimes offer rich opportunities for schools to restrict their student populations to only those who will bring strong preparation and cultural affinities to curriculum demands. With US charter schools reporting an average waiting list of 277 students, according to their advocates (Center ...
Inflation Rates: If prices are rising quickly (high inflation), lenders of Money Market instruments will ask for higher interest rates to avoid losing money in real terms. Economic Conditions: In a strong economy, businesses borrow more using Money Market instruments, which can push interest rates...
The meaning of SELECT is chosen from a number or group by fitness or preference. How to use select in a sentence.
We present the definition and meaning of "fundamental preferences" that are interpersonally comparable, ordinal and endemonistic. We also dispel a number of misunderstandings concerning them. In the article "A cause of preference is not on object of preference" (Soc Choice Welfare (1993) 10: 57...
conventional economic theories. Economic decision-making, based onrational choice theory, suggests that investors will objectively evaluate risk and react in the most rational manner but treat the inner workings of the decision-maker’s mind as a black box that is beyond the scope of economic ...
Participants also sought to interpret parent support as voluntary, yet the ideal of choice was difficult to reconcile with specific realities. The discussion highlights how the interpretive framework of choice may further inadvertently support political and economic goals that promote and increase the ...
Very little choice for consumers Example of an Oligopoly There are many examples of oligopolies in the market. But one of the major examples of a global oligopoly is theOrganization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The organization was founded in Baghdad in 1960 with five countries ...