The meaning of BOUND is fastened by or as if by a band : confined. How to use bound in a sentence.
via a form with a centum outcome ofḱ,or as a loanword from Germanic.) According to an alternative hypothesis, Germanic*haima-goes back to Indo-European*tḱoi̯-mo-,a derivative with*-mo-from Indo-European*tḱei̯-"dwell, inhabit" (in a more traditional representation*ḱþei...
these impact them differently, as they don’t create stories or a ‘history’ out of them, nor do they construct a possible future. History and the future hardly concern them, and they don’t dwell on concepts like death and disease. They eat and sleep when...
hours, days, years etc usingclocksEinstein changed the way we think about space and time.close relationships established over a longperiod of timeCustomers have only a limitedamount of timeto examine the goods.time passes/goes byTheir marriage got better as time went by.►seethesaurusatperiod ...
Unit 1 Levels of words, Unit 2 the meaning of words PartTwoDiction UnitOneLevelofWords 1 I.Introduction 1.Whatisdiction?ThechoiceanduseofwordsWhy?themostusefulandmostoftenused Avoidtheinappropriate,inexact,unidiomaticoruninteresting“dangerous”“leadto”“cause”2 Althougheconomicimprovementmaybe...
Let's dwell a little on this point. Consider the questions: "Why on earth should a manual be respected for making successive utterances have some bearing on each other? Where do all of these criteria come from? Why may we use some criteria but not others in determining the correctness of...
In this tradition, building is inseparable from living; people dwell in this world to be unified with Nature by an all-embracing symbolism. The primary themes of experiencing the built environment as revealed by the poems are spatial and sequential with varying and contrasting characters that are ...
learningofrulesandassociationsconcerningformsina singlemodality,forexamplelettersinartificialgrammar experiments,orspatiallocationsofvisualstimuliinserial reactiontimeexperiments.Inthecaseofnaturallanguage systemslearningsuchform-formassociationsmight contributetotheacquisitionofsyntacticrules,butthere ...
theSecondWorldWarintheU.S.A.Inthispaper,thecolor,thepeak,山enanleofthehat,andthetimeHoldenweal~itare carefullyexaminedtocastlightonthesymbolicmeaningofaredhuntinghat,asmallitemthataccomPaniesHoldenCaulfield intheshortperiodofhisinitiation. 。 ●
1 : to remain for a time dwell in the hallway. 2a : to live as a resident the town in which he dwelled for eight years the dwelling place of the gods. b :