The meaning of DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS is a method of analysis in which physical quantities are expressed in terms of their fundamental dimensions that is often used when there is not enough information to set up precise equations.
The meaning of DIMENSION is measure in one direction; specifically : one of three coordinates determining a position in space or four coordinates determining a position in space and time. How to use dimension in a sentence.
really knows the limits of artistic activity. DEFINITION OF BEAUTY A combination of qualities that delights the aesthetic senses - that is to say, the senses concerned with the appreciation of beauty. [Concise Oxford Dictionary] DEFINITION OF SCULPTURE The art of making three- dimensional representat...
By the analysis of the features of the major pollutants and oxygen - consumed organic compound in rivers, this paper summarized the motional features of the oxygen - consumed oxygenic compound after it runs into rivers, and expound that under steady conditions and neglecting the spreading effect, ...
Weak Central Coherence (Frith, 1989) predicts that, in autism, perceptual processing is relatively unaffected by conceptual analysis. Enhanced Perceptual Functioning (Mottron & Burack, 2001) predicts that the perceptual processing of those with autism is less influenced by conceptual analysis only when...
Proponents of 2D semantics argue that this aspect of linguistic understanding plays the core theoretical role of meanings: 2D semantics allows us to specify a reference-fixing criterion implicit mastery of which constitutes semantic competence a particular meaning. 展开 关键词: two-dimensional semantics ...
We conducted an additional region-of-interest (ROI) decoding analysis where we restricted the analysis to the bilateral PRC, given our a priori hypothesis regarding the importance of the PRC in combining the features together into object representations. For this ROI analysis, we averaged the BOLD...
This report provides an overview of what Exchange services are being used the most. When tracked over time, this data can help with capacity planning or trend analysis. Based on these reports, you can put together an automated reporting solution that provides data you can use to examine usage...
The meaning of TRANSLATE is to turn into one's own or another language. How to use translate in a sentence.
This aspectual import of non-aspectual constructions—which has, to our knowledge, gone unnoticed in the cross-linguistic literature on aspect—can be unveiled through in-depth language-specific analysis. The crucial diagnostic for identifying perfectivity in a given non-aspectual construction is a ...