The axe is also the symbol of Lu Ban (鲁班) who is known as the God of Carpenters. In Buddhism, the axe symbolizes the destruction of evil. The axe can also refer to a marriage matchmaker. Bamboo Bamboo symbolizes the ideals of a Confucian scholar because both are perceived as upright,...
熏心 xūn xīn (of greed, lust etc) to dominate one's thoughts 爱心 ài xīn compassion; kindness; care for others; love; charity (bazaar, golf day etc); heart (the symbol ♥) 牛心 niú xīn mulishness; obstinacy 牵心 qiān xīn to worry; concerned 狠心 hěn xīn callous; heartl...
The Bhumisparsha Mudra, also called Touching the Earth. It stands as a symbol of strength and power. It has its roots in an epic story. This gesture is seen at Thai Buddhist shrines. It commemorates when Buddha called upon Sthavara. The Goddess Earth responded by wringing her hair dry, ...
However, even though the Phoenician king Hiram of Tyre had helped king Solomon build the temple of YHWH in Jerusalem, by the time of Isaiah, Phoenician glory had waned to the point where purple had become the symbol of disease and madness: "Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be ...
Don’t trust anyone totally because many people are ready to take advantage of it. The symbol of cats in your dream is a disturbing one and shows that you have enemies against your success.There was a person who dreamt about cat and the symptoms manifest in the form of hardship, late ...
Just as the word 'chair' has no systematic similarity to physical chairs, the amodal symbol for chair has no systematic similarity to perceived chairs". In the third stage, then, these abstract, disembodied structures are retracted in support of all the higher cognitive functions, including ...
The Hawk’s instinctive flight can be symbolic of a time when you can follow your faith and operate on instinct. Hawk as a Celtic Animal Symbol Celtic symbolism for Hawk is similar to that of the Far East – as a powerful messenger from other realms. When Hawk appeared, it was a messag...
17、 people dont actually try to see the image of something in their minds eye every time they utter a word. For example, what is precisely the link between the symbol and concept? Leech uses sense (系统意义)系统意义)as a briefer term for his conceptual meaning. “Sense” may be used ...
Chapter 5 Meaning(2)Chapter5 Meaning意义 WhatisSemantics? Semanticsisthestudyofthemeaningof linguisticunits,wordsandsentencesinparticular. Semanticsremainstheleastknownareainlinguistics,comparedwithphonetics,phonology,morphologyandsyntax. GeoffreyLeech,Semantics:TheStudyof...
decline. New Age Tantric practitioners adapt her obvious sexual manifestations as a therapeutic tool, while Hollywood employs her as a convenient symbol of malevolence. But Kali, the true Kali, will continue to defy all attempts to tame and domesticate her, as she has since the beginning of ...