The meaning of DEBIT is to enter upon the debit side of an account : charge with a debit. How to use debit in a sentence.
The meaning of DEBIT is to enter upon the debit side of an account : charge with a debit. How to use debit in a sentence.
safely in a demat account. It allows you to track the credits and debits of funds and securities as you would track cash transactions in a bank account. When you purchase the shares, they get credited to your demat account. When you sell them, they get debited from your demat account. ...
nounThat which is entered in an account as a debt; a recorded item of debt: as, thedebitsexceed the credits. nounThat part of another's account in which one enters any article of goods furnished or money paid to or on account of that other: as, place that to mydebit. ...
Other forms: debits; debited; debitingA debit is a payment made or charged, or the notation of the amount charged. Trying to track down the mysterious $2 debit to your bank account is almost never fruitful, but you’re bound to do it anyway....
to charge as a debt: The store debited the purchase to her account. enter upon the debit side of an account. Discover More Other Words From pre·deb itnoun verb (used with object) re·deb itverb (used with object) ...
debit something from something•The sum of $50 has beendebited fromyour account. From Longman Business Dictionarydeb‧it1/ˈdebɪt/noun[countable]1a decrease in the amount of money in a bank account, for example when a payment is made from it→see alsodirect debit2the debit sidethele...
ATM-cum-Debit Cards are plastic payment cards that your bank issues when you open an account with them. It is linked to your Savings, Current, or Checking Account. When you swipe your debit card, funds are directly debited from the linked account and transferred into the payees’ accounts....
#!,This Article contains Detainled Information about Debit Note & Credit NoteDebit note is a note sent by one party to another informing him that his account is debited in the sender's book.e.g. P (Purchaser) Purchased goods from S (Seller)
The meaning of DEBIT is to enter upon the debit side of an account : charge with a debit. How to use debit in a sentence.