When a credit card payment is cleared through PayPal there is a summary of the payment on "Transaction Details" page. In this summary there is a line that reads:"Card Security Code (CSC):" and single capital letters that follow such as "N" and "M". Does anyone kn...
The significant independent variables and the direction of their effects were the same across all ZIP code groups. The analysis suggests that high ACSC admissions may be a reflection of deficits in one or more of the following areas: primary care availability, accessibility, or appropriateness. In...
A point to note is that carriers usually charge additional fees for carrying a SOC. Also, there are a few documents that the shipper must produce to use the SOC. These documents are the SOC application form, images of the SOC boxes, and CSC (Container Safety Convention)...
Population density was negatively associated with ACSC admissions. There was no association between the location of the ZIP code in a health professional shortage area and ACSC admissions. Proximity to the hospital was found to be positively associated with ACSC admissions but was examined only in...