al‧lo‧ca‧tion/ˌæləˈkeɪʃən/●○○AWLnoun1[countable]theamountorshareof something that has beenallocatedfor a particularpurposeTwelve hours a week seemed a generous allocation of your time.2[uncountable]thedecisionto allocate something, or theactof allocating itallocation ...
Checking or Packaging or Marking-The seller will have to pay the costs of checking the goods' quality, packaging, or marking. Allocation of Costs-The contract seller must bear all the expenses till the time goods are not delivered to the buyer. These costs will also include expenses for frei...
Accumulation of cost through theProcess CostingSystem occurs when the production of a huge amount of identical goods occurs. In this system, the accumulation of costs for a large batch of products takes place. And afterward, further allocation of all such accumulated costs takes place for an indi...
In activity-based costing this refers to the allocation of the cost of activities (determined bystage 1 allocations) to the cost objects such as products or services. Related Q&A What is cost allocation? What is the meaning of systematic and rational allocation?
The idea of identifying the cost structure is to allocate costs between fixed and variable costs effectively. These costs are then associated with individual products and product lines to ascertain their correct pricing. Also, cost allocation could happen to different projects, departments, and service...
allocation [ al-uh-key-shuhn ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun the act ofallocating;apportionment. the state of beingallocated. the share or portionallocated. Accounting.a system of dividing expenses and incomes among the various branches, departments, etc., of a business....
COST OF REPRODUCTION IN DOUGLAS-FIR The balance between allocating energy resources to reproduction or growth has considerable theoretical interest. Conflicting ecological requirements and evolutionary pressures often necessitate a trade-off in energy allocation. We obtain... ELKASSABY,YA,BARCLAY,... - ...
What is cost allocation? Is rent expense a period cost or a product cost? What is meant by overabsorbed? What is an indirect cost? Is depreciation a direct or indirect cost? Is depreciation expense an administrative expense? Dictionary
What are two other terms that are used interchangeably with the term cost of capital? Explain how you can test the empirical validity of the Capital asset Pricing Model. What determines the value of systematic risk (beta)? In the context of Finance, define the fo...
if you were to measure the total direct labor cost for the week, the denominator would be the total weekly cost of direct labor for production that week. Finally, you would divide the indirect costs by the allocation measure to achieve how much in overhead costs for every dollar spent on ...