The meaning of RADIOCHEMISTRY is a branch of chemistry dealing with radioactive substances and phenomena including tracer studies.
Related topics:Chemistry con‧cen‧tra‧tion/ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃən$ˌkɑːn-/●●●S3W2AWLnoun 1[uncountable]theabilityto think about something carefully or for a long time→concentrateShe needed all herpowers of concentrationto stop herself from slipping on the icy road...
The meaning of RADIOCHEMISTRY is a branch of chemistry dealing with radioactive substances and phenomena including tracer studies.
5.(Chemistry) a.the capacity of a substance to undergo chemical change b.the effective concentration of a substance in a chemical system. Theabsolute activityof a substance B, λB, is defined as exp (μBRT) where μB is the chemical potential ...
However, Iij(k) differ in an essential way from the true partial functions Iij(k) of the model system. Thus, although for every real binary alloy it is possible to find (in a variety of ways) the concentration independent functions Iij(k), they have no clear physical interpretation and,...
Mole fraction may be a unit of concentration in chemistry. A mole is really a variety of molecules, approximately 6 × 1023. A mole fraction is the ratio of molecules of 1 component during a mixture. For instance, if the mole fraction of methane in gas is 0.90, then this suggests that...
the act of concentrating; the state of being concentrated. exclusive attention to one object; close mental application. something concentrated: a concentration of stars. Military. the assembling of military or naval forces in a particular area in preparation for further operations. ...
wasrecognizedearly.In thecourseofa studyofenzymereactions,Sörensenwasledtoformulatea simplemethodofexpressinghydrogenionconcentration.Hisutilizationof thisconceptoftheempiricallyderivedtermpH,althoughnotstrictlyspeakingatechnique,isnowsowidelyusedinallbranchesofchemistrythatitranksasa majortoolofthemodernchemist....
They point to tests that suggest the blood on the T-shirt contained the preservative EDTA, which is added to blood samples collected in vials. FromLos Angeles Times Tests later revealed that Cooper’s blood stains on the T-shirt had a high concentration of the chemical EDTA, which is used...
TheBlankCell procedure serves to calibrate the chemiluminescencesignal received by the photomultiplier tube to a solution of knownconcentration. The procedure is now performed by Boehringer Mannheimservice personnel on installation of the analyzer, as part of periodicmaintenance, or as a troubleshooting ...