The meaning of CALL is to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout. How to use call in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Call.
call the shots/tune•Butchapswhotrychat-up lines of their own get the boot-because she likes tocall the shots.•Does not thedivinedramaseem tosuggestthat theDeviliscalling the tune?•Strug, the Houstonian withpowerfulfloorandvaultroutines, maybenefitfrom having Karolyicalling the shots.•...
“Calling the shots” in distillation involves the skill of discerning which portions—foreshots or aftershots—to discard, ensuring only the desirable product is retained. Linguists are not unanimous on whether this idiom originated in America, Great Britain, or any other part of the world....
The meaning of CALL is to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout. How to use call in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Call.
Don't understand the meaning of the song? Highlight lyrics and request an explanation. Click on highlighted lyrics to explain. [Chorus] Feeling like a boss, and Staring at the stars, it Doesn't matter the cost, cause Everybody wants to be famous I'm calling the shots, so See you...
Powerful girl names aren’t the type to sit back and follow directions. No, these mighty monikers are the ones calling the shots and giving orders. Get to know them with us. Fierce Girl Names for Your Powerful Princess//167 names
Nautical blow the head (of a sailing vessel) off the wind. to imitate, copy, or plagiarize: to knock off designer dresses in cheap materials. drink (a beverage), especially quickly and heartily: He knocked back two shots of vodka. ...
The host of "Real Time" used what he's calling his "final" stand-up special to take shots at the first Trump assassination attempt in Pennsylvania, winkingly calling it "that day he had his ear pierced." FromSalon Letters, emails, phone calls, office visits, protests and more have not...
Powerful girl names aren’t the type to sit back and follow directions. No, these mighty monikers are the ones calling the shots and giving orders. Get to know them with us. Search Baby Names Quick Search SearchGo Advanced Search Name ...
get by: To <xref>subsist</xref>; to <xref>succeed</xref>, <xref>survive</xref>, or <xref>manage</xref>, at least at a minimal level.