An Example of Scalping the EUR/USD Assume a forex scalper trades the EUR/USD using a trend trading strategy. They identify the recent trend, wait for a pullback, and then buy when the price starts moving back in the trending direction. Depending on volatility, the trader typically risks...
Implementation shortfall is an inevitable aspect of trading, whether it be stocks, forex, or futures. Slippage is when you get a different price than expected on an entry or exit from a trade. Using the correct type of orders (e.g.limitsorstops) can help reduce the implementation shortfall,...
In Forex trading, it often happens that novice traders have to sit for days in front of the monitor, waiting for favorable conditions for entering a trade. At the same time, not all of them think about whether it is worthwhile to immediately buy or sell an asset at a price that seems ...
Trader Meaning & Definition: here are the most important concepts used in Forex trading. For example, Ask is the Price at which the client can buy the currency he is interested in from the dealer (seller's price).
brokers offer a platform that comes equipped with the ability to install applications offered by other traders and businesses. A word of caution: the widespread use of autotrading in the forex market has led to an abundance of low-quality, untested software. The field is littered with scammers...
Binance's native coin.Whether you're a beginner trader, crypto enthusiast, or professional, you'll benefit from access to the global crypto markets while enjoying some of thelowest fees in the business.Plus, tools and guides that make it easy tosafely and securely sell, buy and convert NFT...
Day traders buy and sell securities within one trading day. The practice is common in the forex and stock markets. However, day trading is risky and not for the novice trader. A day trader attempts to close all their open positions before the end of the day. If they don't, they hold...