From Longman Business DictionaryRelated topics:Financeˈbuy ˌlimit ˌorder[countable]arequestto a dealer tobuysharesetc on afinancialmarketwithin a particularpricerangeYou should never put in a market order. Instead, put in a buy limit order at a price slightly below the current market price...
The meaning of LIMIT ORDER is an order to buy securities at a specified maximum price or sell them at a specified minimum price.
The meaning of MARGIN is the part of a page or sheet outside the main body of printed or written matter. How to use margin in a sentence.
When the time comes to move out of their apartment, they will have saved up enough money to buy a house. There comes a time when children leave their parents and start families of their own. an idea whose time has come [=an idea that is ready to be used] [noncount] It's time...
You can specify a day order with a limit price to buy at $215. Here there are two conditions: the first is a purchase price of $215 or better based on the limit order, and that the order will be working until the end of the trading day, at which point it will be cancelled. ...
Still, a value engineer must how to facilitate the distribution of a product, the physical characteristics of a product, and other attributions that make it so the good can easily be bought or traded. Should consumers find it very difficult to buy or receive the good, value may be lost or...
However, it’s not always the case that you only have to pay for the coinsurance. If the service availed has a copay, then you would have to pay the coinsurance on top of the copayment. Upon reaching the out-of-pocket limit for that year, you no longer have to pay for both coins...
It’s not true that accuracy of perception increases without limit as you get further and further away.Maybe that’s given plausibility by the idea that God is infinitely far away—outside the universe entirely—but sees everything in it perfectly clearly. You, however, cannot do that, and ...
The concept of net-zero carbon emissions has emerged from physical climate science. However, it is operationalized through social, political and economic systems. We identify seven attributes of net zero, which are important to make it a successful frame
the limit of the sequence of partial sums of a given infinite series. union(def10a). a summary. verb (used with object) summed,summing. to combine into an aggregate or total (often followed byup). to ascertain the sum of, as by addition. ...