bring forward 1 : to produce to view : introduce brought new evidence forward 2 : to carry (a total) forward bring home : to make unmistakably clear brought home the importance of exercise bring to account 1 : to bring to book must be brought to account for her mistakes 2 : ...
The meaning of BRING is to convey, lead, carry, or cause to come along with one toward the place from which the action is being regarded. How to use bring in a sentence.
to bring out a debutante. to accomplish; cause: Land reform brought about a great change in the lives of the common people. to convince of a belief or opinion; persuade: I think we can bring him around to agreeing with the plan. ...
to ascribe; attribute; bring forward: to assign a cause. Synonyms:offer,show,advance,allege,adduce transfer: to assign a contract. place permanently on duty with a unit or under a commander. verb (used without object) ...
Spend time thinking about some of the best memories - of your life. Whether it's a family vacation you went on 10 years ago or you won an award at work two years ago, recalling the (happy) times in your life can bring more positivity to your thinking.[答案] necessarily; devoted ; ...
it has to be cultivated and perpetuated. If a manager slips even for a moment, it will go right out the window and it will take time to bring it back to life. As for me, I like to post motivational reminders kind of like the one recently spotted in the Hickey Freeman manufacturing ...
Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time. For other couples, pregnancy(怀孕) was an accident that both husband and wife have accepted willingly or unwillingly. Whatever the reaction to the birth of a child, it is obvious that the change from ...
The meaning of BRING is to convey, lead, carry, or cause to come along with one toward the place from which the action is being regarded. How to use bring in a sentence.
The meaning of MOON is the earth's natural satellite that shines by the sun's reflected light, revolves about the earth from west to east in about 291/2 days with reference to the sun or about 271/3 days with reference to the stars, and has a diameter of
Informal. to make a gift of; treat, as to drinks. Informal. to stimulate; elate. to propound; plan; advance. to bring about; cause. to become firm or hard, as a glue or cement: a paint that sets up within five minutes. to lead or lure into a dangerous, detrimental, or embarrassin...