book profit From Longman Business Dictionaryˈbook ˌprofit1a profit as shown in a company’s accountsPhilips will report a book profit of about Fl1,800 million on its sale of shares in TSM.2a profit not in actual money, but from the increase in the value of an assetSYNPAPER PROFITIf...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All What do SCOTUS, POTUS, and FLOTUS mean? More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine ...
The meaning of BOOK is a set of written sheets of skin or paper or tablets of wood or ivory. How to use book in a sentence.
情感;经历of feeling/experience 3. [u] 真正重要性;价值the real importance of a feeling or experience 书籍;绘画of book/painting 4. [u][c] (作家或艺术家要表达的)意义,含意,思想the ideas that a writer, artist, etc. wishes to communicate through a book, painting, etc. ...
书籍;绘画 of book/painting several layers of meaning 若干层意义 There are, of course, deeper meanings in the poem. 当然,这首诗里还有更深层的含意。 追求的目标 sense of purpose Her life seemed to have lost all meaning. 她的生活似乎已毫无价值。
A.N[of person] →actividadf; (in port, town) →movimientom,actividadf businessactivities→actividadesfplcomerciales leisureactivities→pasatiemposmpl socialactivities→actividadesfplsociales terroristactivities→actividadesfplterroristas B.CPDactivity bookN(accompanying text book) →libromdeactividades,cuaderno...
Show pinyin profit chuàng zào zhàng miàn lì rùn 创造账面利润 make paper profits zhàng miàn lì rùn bù huì shǐ bǐng biàn dà 账面利润不会使饼变大。 Paper profits do not make the pie bigger. Hot words today 时season; current ...
The purchase price of a fixed asset is not allowed as an immediate deductible business expense,unlessit is under a certain cost (see next sectionAsset Value Limits). This means you cannot immediately enter the full cost as an expense in your bookkeeping accounts to show on your Profit and ...
n.profit; interest; gains bào lì 暴利 exorbitant profits jìng lì rùn 净利润 net profit bó lì duō xiāo 薄利多销 small profits but quick turnover synonym xī息 5; keen lì jiàn 利剑 sharp sword lì rèn 利刃 sharp blade ...
established companies nor do they buy their offerings because they either could not afford them or the products were too sophisticated for use. This business model—a model not adopted by incumbents because of the disruptor's initial low-profit margins—seeks to present easy-to-use, economical ...