Although the Biblical meaning of the color black is associated with death and elements that appear unpleasant, the prophetic meaning is related to blessing and everything that’s beautiful, in general, the black color in dreams stands for potential, possibilities, and determination. It also represen...
Etymology of the name Apollyon The name Apollyon comes from the verb απολλυμι (apollumi), to destroy, which in turn consists of the common prefix απο (apo), meaning from, and the verb ολλυμι (ollumi), to terminate: Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Diction...
Here at Abarim Publications we surmise that the formation of the noun aquila may have been inspired by the noun αγελη (agele), meaning herd or a group of animals driven: Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary αγω The verb αγω (ago) means to guide or lead, ...
Zoey is a variation of the long-established, well-known, and popular name Zoe. As with that version, Zoey means “life.” Since its roots are partly in thebiblical girl nameEve, it can also be translated as “to give life” or “to breathe”(1). What Is the Origin of the Name Zo...
Though in Biblical Greek the term is mostly employed in the sense of "word," we cannot properly dissociate the two significations. Every word implies a thought. It is impossible to imagine a time when God was without thought. Hence, thought must be eternal as the Deity. The translation "...
Unlock the Hidden Secrets of Angel Number 811: Abundance, Success, and Personal Growth Unlock the Hidden Messages: Discover the True Meaning & Symbolism of Angel Number 666 Unlocking Hidden Secrets: Biblical Numerology 101 & The Profound Meaning of Numbers in the Bible Why You Keep Seeing 421?
The third is with the Rose of Sharon. This biblical flower isn’t what we refer to today as a rose, but was likely more like a crocus or tulip. It probably grew in a fertile valley known as the Plain of Sharon, between the mountains of central Israel and the Mediterranean Sea. ...
Biblical meaning of dreams about clothes. In the Bible, clothes are often used as a symbol of a person's spiritual state or identity. Dreaming of new clothes can represent a renewed commitment to God and a fresh start in life. It can also symbolize the righteousness of Christ and the new...
Dreaming of snakes is not as unusual as you would think. It’s one of the top searched terms when it comes to symbols in a dream. And a lot of stuff on the internet on the topic is either new age, occultic, or psychological understanding, and even some of the “Biblical” stuff is...
Occasionally, it is referenced as the color of brimstone, the Biblical term for sulfur, which is yellow in color. However, it is also associated with the color of leprosy. The Catholic Church ascribes a positive meaning to yellow. It’s seen as symbolic of renewal and hope, so it’s so...