The meaning of OVEREXPLOIT is to exploit (something, such as a natural resource) to an excessive degree. How to use overexploit in a sentence.
As a verb,exploitis commonly used in a negative way, especially in the context of workers who are beingexploitedfor profit. As a noun, it often refers to the achievements of a famous person, such as an athlete. A lot of romance is set in a not-quite fantasy land in which nobody ric...
The meaning of DIVISION is the act or process of dividing : the state of being divided. How to use division in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Division.
Fear is probably the most commonly exploited emotion used by directors of horror films.Exploited talents are ones that have been put to good use. And resources that are exploited are being used advantageously. However, this word is quite often used in a more negative way, to mean "used in ...
题目: the word exploited in the passage is closest in meaning to a. utilized b. recognized c. examined d. fully understood 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: the word persevere in the passage is closest in meaning to a. reproduce b. fail c. expand d. continue 免费查看参考答案及解析 ...
Resources for those who think they are being exploited include a service from the U.S. Administration on Aging called theEldercare Locator, which can be reached online or by calling 800-677-1116. In addition, most states have some sort of adult protective services agency. ...
workers.•Peasantsinremoteareas of the country were being shamelesslyexploitedbywealthylandowners.•Christmas has beenexploitedforcommercialreasons.•Measureare being taken to stopemploymentagenciesexploitingforeignworkersdesperateto find a job.•Oppositionleaderswerequicktoexploitgovernmentembarrassmentover the...
Then, for each subsequent step \(t = 1 ... n\), the knowledge of the w meaning(s) detected in the past time periods (i.e., time periods \(0 ... t-1\)) is exploited by the IC step to cluster the documents in \(C^t\). This diachronic analysis of clustering can provide ...
Fish get reclassified as “fisheries,” and farm animals as “livestock”—living creatures become mere assets to be exploited for profit. Ultimately, it is the ideology of human supremacy that allows us to blow up mountaintops for coal, turn vibrant rainforest into monocropped wastelands, and ...
The meaning of DIVISION is the act or process of dividing : the state of being divided. How to use division in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Division.