assured tenancy meaning, definition, what is assured tenancy: an arrangement between a LANDLORD and a ...: Learn more.
Assured tenancy definition: an agreement between a government-approved body such as a housing association and a tenant for occupation of a newly-built house or flat at an agreed market rent, under which the tenant has security of tenure. See examples of
Word of the Day Advertisement regulated tenancy noun social welfare(in Britain) the letting of a dwelling by a nonresident private landlord, usually at a registered fair rent, from which the landlord cannot evict the tenant without a possession order from a courtCompareassured tenancy ...
paid rentThe amount of rent you have to pay will depend on the type of tenancy you have.a tenancy agreementWe are applying for a new tenancy of the premises.→assured tenancy2[countable]the period of time that someone rents a building, land etca six-month tenancyWhen does the tenancy ...
An obsolete spelling of trussed, preterit and past participle of truss. noun Reliance on the veracity, integrity, justice, friendship, or other virtue or sound principle of another; a firm reliance on promises or on laws or principles; confidence; belief. noun Confident expectation; assured antic...
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definitely or certainly: We will try to address some of the most egregious problems, but will assuredly miss some. in a bold, confident, or authoritative manner: He very assuredly tells people that he expects to be reelected because of the great job he’s doing. ...