How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
The meaning of DISINFECT is to cleanse (a surface, a device, a supply of water, etc.) by destroying, inactivating, or significantly reducing the concentration of pathogenic agents (such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi) : to treat (something) with a disin
Relying on obviously outdated and borderline superstitious medicinal practices, to prevent the inhalation of what was believed to be an airborne illness, plague doctors loaded strongly scented spice and herbs like thyme into the hooked, protruding "beak" of their characteristic masks. ...
Favorite line/passage: An impossible question, but here goes. I certainly linger longest on Shakespeare’s expressions of the fleeting nature of our lives. Lord Hastings in2 Henry IV: “We are time’s subjects” (1.3.110). Edmund inKing Lear: “The wheel is come full circle! I am here...
British.a furnace for the burning of refuse; incinerator. Rocketry.a destruct mechanism or device for destroying an off-course airborne missile or launch vehicle. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofdestructor1 1685–95; <Late Latindēstructor,equivalent toLatindēstruc-variant stem ofdē...
of a dragonfly often represents a sense of transformation, change, and adaptability. Just as the dragonfly undergoes a remarkable metamorphosis from a water-dwelling nymph to a graceful airborne adult, the dreamer may be experiencing a period of personal growth and evolution in their waking life....
To imbue with something of a deleterious or offensive nature; infect or impregnate with a noxious substance or principle; affect with insalubrity, contagion, disease, or the like. To make noisome or poisonous in constitution; corrupt the elements of; render putrid, deleterious, or unfit for use...
whether as strayairbornedroplets from the application of foliar sprays or as stray airborne dust from the sowing of treated seeds. Depending on the amount of neonicotinoid absorbed, wildflowers and other food sources can become deadly or harmful forbees,butterflies, and other insects. Such chemicals...
On the internet, you could create a hermetically sealed bubble of people just like you. FromTime A grandmother, desperate to protect her family from a poisonous, airborne disease, locks everyone up in a hermetically-sealed flat. FromTime ...
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is mainly seen with long term tobacco smoking but may also arise with occupational exposure to smoke and other airborne gases. The two main chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Although airflow is restricted in both conditions...